Thursday, January 15, 2009

if I had the bills to pay the, uh, bills...

I'd totally rent this little cottage in Portland. I found it on Craigslist and I can't imagine it looks this good in person because it isn't even all that expensive.


Anonymous said...

oooh. How much is it? Do you have a link? I want it:)

Anonymous said...

Remember to compare Portland prices relative to the Portland economy.

Comparing Portland expenses using D.C. wages might not be the best method.

What do people earn there?

allison said...

Chelsea, it's $1100 a month, I think. Let me find the link for you!

LMB, that's true, but I was assuming I'd have to pay most of my expenses out of pocket rather than rely on them to survive. Any money I make is a bonus, not a necessity.