Saturday, March 21, 2009


It doesn't feel like spring yet in Virginia (well, it did on one day last week), but all I can think about is eschewing pants and boots for dresses and sandals. I can't really shop anymore, since I'm unemployed and about to move to a new apartment (I'm buying a couch!), but here's what I WOULD buy if someone handed me a suitcase full of money:

Horace Biker Jacket (available at Oak)

Linus Jumper (available at Oak)

Alexander Wang Chartreuse Tank (available at Oak)

Printed Camisole by Linus

Sculptural Skirt by Linus

Preen "Power Dress" (aka the most amazing thing ever -- available at La Garconne)

Steven Alan Apron dress (available at Urban Outfitters)

Strapless Denim Dress (available at Urban Outfitters)

Pocket Tank (available at Urban Outfitters)

Prince shoe in black by Marais (available in May)


Anonymous said...

They are selling tanks almost identical to the Alexander Wang one at Target for like $11.

Also, that denim dress is to DIE for.

Lauren said...

I love the rumpled leather.